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  • May13Tue

    The family cottage, a Canadian Tradition

    May 13, 2014 L.D. Dermody Insurance
    Cottage Insurance
    Cottage Insurance

    It wasn’t too long ago that families enjoyed summer living at their rustic cottage.  Wood frame dwellings, sitting on the ground or blocks, with screen doors that usually didn’t keep the mosquitoes out.  Using the bathroom usually meant running to the outhouse.    Water carried up from the shore because there was no plumbing.   Reading books by lantern because there was no electricity. Meals cooked over campfires followed by an evening of songs and guitar playing around that same campfire.

     Today when people plan a weekend or vacation at the family cottage, it is much different.  Simple “get-away” locations have turned into much more.  Fully winterized properties, used year round with modern kitchens, appliances, electronics, hot tubs and more.  Garages containing boats, personal water crafts, ATV’s and snowmobiles.

    If this sounds familiar you need to ask yourself… “has my insurance coverage kept pace with the changes to the cottage?”

    For many cottage owners, improvements, renovations and additions have taken place over several years.  With each upgrade, have come new furniture, electronics and other personal property. 

    Take a moment and consider these questions.

    • Can your cottage be rebuilt for the amount you have it insured for now?
    • Are there now multiple buildings that need to be insured? Many properties have a boathouse, sheds, additional ‘bunkies’ or sleeping cabins on the grounds.
    • In the event of a total loss, do you have enough contents coverage?
    • Are you insured for vandalism, theft or bear damage?
    • Are your boats, watercrafts, ATV’s and other toys covered?

    Many cottages are protected under basic coverage.  Broader coverage is available for seasonal homes occupied year round. 

    Some unique concerns of cottages are:

    • Many are uninhabited for months at a time, and may not have anyone around to check on them periodically.
    • Many properties are surrounded by trees that are susceptible to gusts of wind. It’s almost a yearly tradition when arriving at the cottage for the first time in the spring to have a look around at what trees have come down during the winter, hoping none have hit any of the buildings.
    • Snow accumulation on the roof during the winter.  Especially if the winter was long, cold and full of snow.
    • Plumbing issues. If the pipes are not properly drained in the fall, the spring can be a full of repairs.
    • Damage from animals that have made your cottage their full-time home over the winter months.

    Call us to review your cottage coverage needs and we’ll make sure that you get the coverage that is right for you!


L.D. Dermody Insurance Brokers (1982) Inc.